The January 2016 Tucson Values Teachers and OfficeMax/Depot Teacher Excellence Award was presented to Terry Duggan, Kindergarten teacher at Coronado K-8 School, Amphitheater Public Schools. We surprised Mrs. Duggan in her classroom, and it was clear from the excitement why Terry is such an EXCEPTIONAL TEACHER! Terry has been teaching at Coronado K-8 School for ten years, and has been teaching for 23 years. She has taught Kindergarten, First, Third, Fourth and Fifth Grades.
Terry was nominated by Principal Gerad Ball who said, “Mrs. Duggan strives to provide engaging and rigorous lessons daily in all subjects. She has incorporated centers, technology, and hands-on opportunities. She leads the way in making sure that science has a place in kindergarten while teaching solid reading, writing and math lessons. Her students know she has high expectations, like learning all their letters and sounds in the first semester. Mrs. Duggan balances those expectations with exuberance for learning and true affection for her students. Her students learn much and care a great deal for her as well. Mrs. Duggan is a true inspiration.”
As part of the honors, Terry receives a $100 OfficeMax/Office Depot gift card, a Teacher Excellence Award plaque, flowers and school supplies. Not to mention bragging rights! Thanks for all you do for Coronado K-8 students, Mrs. Duggan! Keep up the fantastic work!