Congratulations Megan Wilson! Congratulations Megan Wilson, Kindergarten teacher at Coyote Trail Elementary School in the Marana Unified School District – our March 2017 Teacher Excellence Award winner!
Megan was nominated by parent Adrienne Jones, who says, “Mrs. Wilson makes every effort to ensure her kids are loved and appreciated for their unique gifts. She arrives at school early every morning to ensure a little girl’s hair and teeth get brushed so she can feel confident in herself. She takes time to sit with a little boy who is having a tough day. Ms. Wilson takes the time to talk to each child and tell them how much they are loved and how proud she is of them. She has an immeasurable amount of patience with my child who can sometimes be difficult and challenging. The kids in her class light up at the sight of her and form a line to get a hug. She not only expands their minds but also works to ensure they are happy, confident, and most of all, loved. Ms. Wilson’s creativity and imagination is evident in her classroom. She spends hours upon hours of her own time creating a world where her kids can learn and explore. Like most teachers, she does this at her expense. I would love for Ms. Wilson to receive this gift in appreciation for all she does and what she means to 21 little souls who have blossomed in her care.” Mrs. Wilson received a plaque, flowers, and $100 gift card from OfficeMax/ Office Depot in a surprise presentation in her classroom.
Kudos to you, Megan! Keep up the excellent work, we truly appreciate all that you do for students and our community!
Know an outstanding teacher who deserves to be honored with the Teacher Excellence Award? Nominate them today!