

I would like to personally welcome all teachers back to the classroom and to the most honorable profession in the world where the magic of teaching and learning happens every day. I am very familiar with the challenges you face but also know the rewards that come with the job.

As a former teacher and administrator, the beginning of every school year is always exciting. This will be the first time in 50 years where I will not start the beginning of the school year as a student, teacher, or as a principal. However, in my new role as CEO of Tucson Values Teachers, I am just as excited to have the honor of leading an organization that supports K-12 teachers across Southern Arizona.

Tucson Values Teachers’ annual supply drive—Tucson Supplies Teachers—is running from now until the end of August. Remember, TVT’s supply drive is different than traditional supply drives as we give teachers a $50 Office Depot/Office Max gift card to support your classroom as you see fit.

Together with our generous partners, Tucson Values Teachers wants to make sure our teachers feel valued and supported as we start the new school year. A big shout-out and thank you to Tucson Electric Power for their ongoing support.

I look forward to meeting as many teachers as I can throughout the year and connecting you to TVT’s programs and initiatives that help schools and districts attract, retain and support educators. Thank you for the work you do and the dedication you display to all your students and community.

Andy Heinemann
CEO, Tucson Values Teachers

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