TVT was founded in 2008 as an education initiative of the Southern Arizona Leadership Council, a business membership organization of more than 160 local business presidents and CEOs. Together with leaders from education, including district superintendents, the University of Arizona and various philanthropic organizations, SALC established TVT as an education and business partnership to address the issues of the teacher workforce and positively impact the quality of the region’s education system.
Why the focus on teachers? Because decades of research show that a quality teacher in the classroom is the single most critical factor to student success. Teachers matter more to student achievement than any other aspect of schooling.
Yet fewer teachers are entering the profession and fewer are staying – 42 percent of teachers hired in Arizona in 2013 left the field after three years or less — and one in four Arizona teachers is eligible for retirement in 2018.
We are focused on reversing that trend through communications, research, advocacy, professional development and classroom support.